
  • Other Services The Vet May Offer

    If you have recently got an animal and you are going to be getting set up with a vet, there are some things you should know. First, it's best to get in to see the vet as soon as you can after getting a new pet, so they can check them over and so there is a file on the animal. This can make things go more smoothly if you have to bring the animal in at any time due to illness or emergency, since they will already be an established patient of the vet's.
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  • Three Types Of Health Problems That Spaying Your Dog Can Prevent

    Many experts recommend having your companion animals sterilized for a number of reasons. It can save you a lot of time, effort, and money, but more importantly it can allow your dog or cat to lead a happier, healthier life. Sterilizing a male dog is called "neutering," and sterilizing a female dog is called "spaying." Here are three types of health problems that spaying your female dog can help prevent.
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  • Lyme Disease Symptoms And Preventative Tips

    Ticks are very small parasites that bite their way through your pet's skin, eventually inserting themselves below the skin's surface where they will feed off of your pet's blood. If the tick is infected with Lyme disease, it could infect your pet as well. Prevention is key in helping to protect your pet from tick bites and from Lyme disease. See below for symptoms of lyme disease and prevention tips.
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  • What To Do Right After Your Dog's Been Bitten By Another Animal

    If your dog gets bitten by another animal this summer, you need to know how to respond in the moment and how to treat your dog until you can get your dog to the vet for further medical assistance. #1 Tend To Your Dog's Emotional Needs The first thing that you need to do after your dog has been bitten is attend to their emotional needs. They are going to be hurt, confused and possibly in distress.
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  • 3 Reasons To Have Your Pet Bunny Spayed Or Neutered

    Besides dogs and cats, bunnies are a common human companion. Their usually sweet and gentle temperament make them peaceful companions and they can be housed indoors or out. Even though most people only think of spaying or neutering a dog, rabbits can be spayed and neutered just the same. In fact, bringing home a new pet bunny should also involve a visit to the vet for this very reason. Take a look at three good reasons to have your rabbit spayed or neutered even if it is the only bunny you ever plan to get.
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  • Protect Your Feline: 4 Steps To Keep Your Cat Cool This Summer

    If you've got a cat, you'll need to take extra precautions once the summer temperatures start to soar. Unlike dogs, you can give them a dip in the tub to cool them down. Cats don't appreciate the water all that much. That's where a bit of creativity comes in handy. Here are four methods you can use to keep your cat cool this summer. Make it Icy Once the summer heat arrives, you'll need to increase your cats access to fresh water.
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  • How To Syringe Feed Your Cat

    When cats don't feel well, they may not want to eat. Unfortunately, if a cat doesn't eat for a long time, it could develop fatty liver disease, which can be dangerous to its overall health. It's important to know how to syringe feed your cat if you're ever in a situation where your cat simply will not eat. Read on to learn how to make sure your cat is getting some food in its belly even if it isn't interested in eating.
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  • How An Animal Hospital Can Help You Save Money On Your Pet Costs

    It's easy to assume that vets and animal hospitals cost you money. However, the truth is your pet's visits to these institutions actually save you money. When you consider what it is a veterinarian does for your pet, you'll see how you're actually keeping more money in your pocket than you think. The Animal Hospitals Promote Animal Wellness "Wellness" represents many concepts and ideas. However, when it comes to your pets, wellness incorporates all the things you do to help your pet stay healthy and happy during the entirety of its lifespan.
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  • Time For A Road Trip? 3 Tips To Make Sure Your Dog Is Ready For The Adventure

    Now that the weather is warming up, it's time to start making your summer plans. If any of those plans are going to include a road trip with your dog, you'll need to make some additional plans. Traveling with your dog can be a rewarding experience for both of you. However, if you're not properly prepared, your road trip can turn into a disaster quite quickly. Here are three simple steps you can take to avoid problems during your trip.
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  • What To Do If Your Dog Has Seizures

    If you have a dog that has a seizure condition, then you want to do what you can to decrease their chances of having seizures in the first place and to make sure that their chances of getting really hurt are minimized. The information you can review below will help you to learn more about living with a dog that has seizures. You want to make sure your house is a safe space for your dog
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