Other Services The Vet May Offer

Posted on: 30 August 2017


If you have recently got an animal and you are going to be getting set up with a vet, there are some things you should know. First, it's best to get in to see the vet as soon as you can after getting a new pet, so they can check them over and so there is a file on the animal. This can make things go more smoothly if you have to bring the animal in at any time due to illness or emergency, since they will already be an established patient of the vet's. Along with regular exams and emergency services, here are some of the other services your veterinarian may be able to offer you and your pets:

Boarding when you need someone to watch your pets

Sometimes, it can be hard to find someone that you trust to watch over your animals when you are going to be going out of town for a while. If your vet also offers boarding, then it allows you to have your pet cared for at a place you know you can trust and you know that they are knowledgeable on how to handle your pet correctly.

Proper bathing for your pets for specific reasons

If you have a hard time bathing your dog for any reason, you may be able to have it done at the vet's office by their staff. Also, they may offer specific types of baths for pets, such as flea and tick baths for pets who have fleas and/or ticks on them or baths that are best for pets who suffer from skin conditions, have extremely sensitive skin, or are prone to allergic reactions to over-the-counter products. The vet may also be able to offer you products from their office that you can use to start bathing your dog at home yourself if you prefer. The vet's office can also clip your pet's nails for you. This can be extremely helpful for those animals that tend to put up a big fight when it comes to having their nails cut.

Dental care can also be done at the vet's office

Certain pets, such as cats and dogs, should actually have their teeth brushed on a regular basis. However, most of these types of pets will fight you each and every time you try to get that toothbrush in their mouth. Therefore, the fact that veterinarians can offer dental cleanings and care can help you to ensure better oral health for your pets.