Three Things You Need To Know About Keeping Your Pets Safe From Wildlife

Posted on: 6 October 2022

If you're like most dog owners, you care deeply about the health and happiness of your furry friend, and because of this, you're careful to keep your pet as safe as possible from potential hazards. However, even the best precautions aren't 100% foolproof, and there are many dangers lurking in the average neighborhood. Wildlife, for instance, isn't confined to rural areas—if you live in a suburban or even urban neighborhood, it's possible that wild animals are frequent visitors to your outdoor living area without you even being aware of it.
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Your Dog's Spay Or Neuter Procedure: What You Need To Know

Posted on: 10 May 2018

If your dog is not yet spayed or neutered, this is a procedure you'll want to speak with your vet about as soon as possible. Spaying and neutering procedures are among the most commonly performed veterinary surgical services in vet offices today. Specifically, these procedures prevent your pet from reproducing by removing some of their reproductive parts; as a result, you do your part to help prevent unwanted litters, which in-turn frees up shelter space for other pets in need.
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The Dos And Don'ts Of Taking Care Of Your Dog's Teeth

Posted on: 22 March 2018

It may sound odd to brush your dog's teeth, but it is actually necessary and should be part of your care routine with your dog. Poor oral hygiene can cause other health problems for your dog later down the road. Read on for some dos and don'ts of taking care of your dog's teeth. Dos Brush Weekly. Brush your dog's teeth each week. You don't have to brush your dog's teeth twice per day like you do your own; once per week should be plenty.
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Tips For Caring For A Vomiting Cat

Posted on: 24 December 2017

There are many health problems that your pet can experience, and you will find that you can avoid serious stress by having a basic understanding about how you should respond to the more common health problems that your pet may experience. For cat owners, vomiting can be one of the most routine health issues the animal may experience, and learning more about vomiting symptoms in cats will help you address these matters when they arise.
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